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M* Understanding American Funds' Equity Lineup: Text & Video Presentation

FYI: American Funds’ multimanager approach has long served its equity investors well--and should continue to do so, thanks to parent Capital Group’s strong, results-oriented investing culture. Indeed, 13 of the 14 American Funds equity offerings with a forward-looking Morningstar Analyst Rating are medalists, including 10 Gold-rated funds.


  • edited September 2019
    Of the funds mentioned in the article Old_Skeet owns in my growth and income area ANCFX, CWGIX & DWGAX. In the growth area I own AGTHX, AMCPX, ANWPX, NEWFX & SMCWX. Not mentioned in the article I own ABALX, AMECX & CAIBX which are held in the growth & income area of my portfolio. Combined, they account for about 25% of my overall portfolio.
  • edited September 2019
    We own, or have owned at various times, the following of Old-Skeets funds: ANCFX, CWGIX, AMCPX, ANWPX, SMCWX, ABALX, AMECX & CAIBX. Additionally, AHITX, ANEFX, TAFTX, & AMHIX.

    Very satisfied with American Funds overall. Investing with them for many years has helped to allow us to remain living in SF, and that's saying something.
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