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As Uncertainty Rises, Investors May Find Refuge In The Defensive Of Convertible Bonds: (FISCX)

FYI: With stocks just below all-time highs and bond yields near record lows, many investors are left searching for capital appreciation and current income. There’s one often-overlooked asset class that could satisfy both needs, while insulating investors from a downdraft: convertible bonds.

M* Snapshot FISCX:

Lipper Snapshot FISCX:

FISCX Is Unranked In The (CS) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • edited August 2019
    FISCX is one of Old_Skeet's long time holdings which accounts for about an eight percent position within my hybrid income sleeve. However, this fund has limited access and is closed to most new investors. With this, shouldn't the wordsmiths write about what most investors can invest in over what they can't?

    It seems, to me, I'm reading to many articles written about great funds which are closed to new money. How does this help investors who read articles seeking new ideas and funds to invest in when their access is limited?

    Why does the author not reference convertible securities funds that are open for new money rather than key on one that has limited access?

    Below is a link that will take you to a listing of convertible security funds. This list can be sorted by time periods.$FOCA$CV.aspx

    Old_Skeet wishes all ... "Good Investing."

    Also know, after clicking on the article link, I did not read the article since it required a subscription to read. My comments were made from the article's opening MFO subject tag line.
  • @ Old_Skeet: They have to make a living, but agree with you otherwise !

    Have a good weekend, Derf
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