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Low-Volatility Stocks Are The Market’s Superman. Can They Defy Kryptonite Forever?

FYI: The market has a Clark Kent these days, it’s low-volatility stocks: Beneath their dull facade lies a superhero defying mortal pressures.

Leuthold’s director of research and equities, Scott Opsal, made that comparison in a post on Friday. He argued that while low-volatility stocks are richly valued, they’re benefiting from strong investor momentum, falling interest rates, and investors’ ongoing demand for safety.


  • Anecdote: I have scant equity exposure overall, but a significant portion of what I do have, is "min-vol", in my case VMNVX.

    I do think min-vol is a wonderful "factor", but the problem with any factor, is that when it becomes too popular, its efficacy diminishes and quote-risk increases disproportionately.

    I suspect that when the next Bear hits, min-vol will not be spared. To paraphrase a statement I recall hearing during the GFC : "In a Bear Market, the only thing that goes up is correlation..."
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