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The Bond Market Smells Big Trouble. Where To Hide: (FGMNX) - (VFIIX)

FYI: Bond investors tend to fixate on worst-case scenarios, and that has been the case in the past two weeks. Bonds rallied and yields tumbled around the world, with holders of 30-year U.S. Treasury bonds earning a supersize (for bonds) 8.4% on their money over 10 trading sessions.

Run-of-the-mill worries about corporate profits or tighter monetary policy can’t be blamed for the latest gyrations, which sent 10-year Treasury yields as low as 1.6% Wednesday, especially as three Asian central banks announced surprise rate cuts this past week. Something else is gnawing at the market—fears of a looming recession, perhaps, or an escalation of the trade spat between the U.S. and China, or even a Chinese military response to the weeks-long protests in Hong Kong that could spark a regional conflict and draw in other countries. Global markets are “expecting Armageddon,” as one trader wrote in a note to clients on Wednesday.

M* Snapshot FGMNX:

M* Snapshot VFIIX:


  • Ginnie Maes? I need more dividend income than that...
  • Hmmm ... A review of recent threads:

    “Big trouble ...”

    “Where to hide ...”

    “How this bull market will end ...”

    “Bond Market’s Dot Com Moment...”

    “S&P 8X more likely to drop 5% in a month ...”

    “Saving ourselves ...”

    “... take shelter from stock market storms”

    “Dodging the dangers of dividend stocks ...”


    Time to go pour myself a drink.:)
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