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Ed Yardeni: There’s A Lot More To The Stock Market’s Slide Than Trump And Trade Wars

FYI: Something is wrong with the global economy. It's not functioning as it "should," or traditionally has. Actually, the world economy seems downright dysfunctional. This distortion relative to past norms reminds me of the skewed, tragi-comedic worldview of Garp in John Irving's best-selling 1978 novel “The World According to Garp,” about a man born out of wedlock to a feminist icon.

The U.S. economy, meanwhile, is showing some signs of similarly unusual behavior, but it doesn't appear as abnormal as the rest of the global economy — so far. I am using the objective meaning of the word "abnormal" without drawing any subjective implications just yet. In other words, for investors, the world is what it is. Our investment conclusions must be derived based on how it is, not on how it ought to be.


  • However true your premise may be Ed he, his trade wars and his tariffs are certainly contributing didleysquat toward a solution.
  • Children have an economic value in rural agricultural communities, but not in cities.
    Does Yardeni even realize how he sounds to ordinary human beings?
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