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2,191 Mass Shootings Since Sandy Hook: Interactive Graphic

FYI: In total, there have been at least 2,191 mass shootings since Sandy Hook, with at least 2,476 killed and 9,158 wounded.


  • Yes, pretty disgusting. Too bad we can't do the Congress' job FOR them. Uncle Mitch fell and broke his shoulder. I send him thoughts and prayers--- very sarcastically.
  • @Ted: Thanks for that.

  • Yes, how many times?
  • edited August 2019
    7 pp killed +48injured in gun controlled Chicago last wkend... Roughly 1/3 of el paso..we should take away ALL GUNS AND KNIFES +BASEBALL BATs IN USA... so much violence out there.

    My uncle lives in great country Australia very conservative but also noguns available... He states people usually fight hands to hands combat or take out machete... No guns
  • It's a sad state of affairs when you have more guns than citizens.
  • The main problem is that even in open-carry locations most people only have a pistol. What we really need is a government-supplied rapid fire 100 round "hunting and target rifle" issued free to each and every citizen. Write to the NRA on this!!
  • edited August 2019
    “Houston - We got a problem.”

    This isn’t a political issue. The #1 job of any government is to protect its citizens. From ABC tonight: Police stopped the Dayton gunman within 30 seconds of his first shot. Yet, 9 died. His gun’s magazine held over 100 shots. I’ve looked at Russian gun laws. (No links to share.) The Russian Constitution guarantees citizens the right to self-defense, through lethal force if necessary. But it seems clear people need a license issued by the police to own / possess a firearm in Putin’s Russia. Military grade weapons are outlawed completely. Different types of “authorized” weapons are allowed, depending on purpose (hunting, sport shooting, self-defense, etc.). Thorough background checks are done before licenses are issued, seeking to identify potentially dangerous individuals.

    ABC reports the suspect in Ohio was suspended from school for compiling and circulating a “hit list” of persons he intended to kill. Yet, somehow he obtained this powerful weapon. I can’t can’t conceive that @JohnN or other 2nd Amendment proponents here would allow such dangerous weapons to fall into the hands of mentally ill individuals or oppose reasonable laws to identify and register lethal weapons and to keep them out of the hands of these freaks of nature.
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