I am looking for any recommendation, insight or opinion on books, white papers or any other material that I can obtain to get up-to-speed on various, reasonable and implementable "Income Harvesting (borrowed phrase)" and variable/dynamic withdrawal strategies.
My wife and I are about a decade away from retiring, but I thought it might be a good time to familiarize myself with the latest and greatest retirement strategies.
Like everyone else, we do not want to run out of money during retirement!
Any thoughts, recommendations or perspectives are greatly appreciated!
Any other input would be greatly welcomed.
Please give me more thoughts and suggestions.
Also, Jane Bryant Quinn wrote a somewhat fluffy book on general aspects of planning for retirement back in 2017. That might spark some thoughts.
Retirement Portfolio Allocation
Please keep this conversation going. The more informed I can be the better choices I will make (I hope).
Than there’s Ben Franklin’s adage for those too busy to plan ahead: “Experience keeps a dear school, but a fool will learn in no other.”
After some searching I found this article written by Bruce Miller that sheds a little light on using open ended mutual funds to fund retirement withdrawals.
Back testing isn't full proof, but it helps shape the discussion in this article.
Interesting article bee!!
hank, you are right the TRP retirement calculator is interesting and of some value!!
Any other suggestions are very welcome; a wide breathe of info is the only way to valuable and useful knowledge!!!
great conversation all !!!!!
While they attempt to make you register as a user, I was able (by finagling around) to at least get started on it without registering. Sounds like it also worked for mcmarasco,
Glad you liked it.
You did not mention if you are a self employed individual or are working for some organization. I am self employed and I just set up a defined benefit plan with guidance from this website and the people associated with it. They have very good material and online calculators which might be useful if you are self employed.
Sharing this link here about an article they have on their site about some of the retirement options:
Here is a link about defined benefit plans, if you are targeting large contributions:
Good luck!
I made an adjustment to my asset allocation back in the 4th quarter of 2018 as I felt that equity valuations were becoming streached plus the yield curve inverted. For now, I'm rocking along at about 20% cash, 40% income and 40% equity which I call my all weather asset allocation.
My all weather asset allocation of 20% cash, 40% income and 40% equity affords me everything necessary to meet my needs now being retired and in the distribution phase of investing. The benefit of this asset allocation is that it provides sufficient income, maximizes diversification, minimizes volatility, and provides long-term returns. For the week the S&P 500 Index pulled back 3.1% while my portfolio declined 1.3%. Year to date I have the equally weighted S&P 500 Index up 17.4% while I'm up a little better than 11%.
The 20% held in cash area provides me ample cash should I need a cash draw over and above what my portfolio generates plus it can provide the capital necessary to fund a special investment position (spiff) should I choose to open one during a stock market pullback. In addition, cash helps stabelize a portfolio during stock market volatility. Example of investments held in this area are cash savings, money market mutual funds (AMAXX, GBAXX & PCOXX) and CD's.
The 40% held in the income area provides me ample income generation to meet my income needs in retirement. It is a well diversified area that incorporates a good number of income generating type funds. Some examples of investments held in this area are ISFAX, PONAX & JGIAX. Currently, the portfolio has a yield of about 3.25% with a distribution yield, which includes capital gain distributions, north of 5%.
The 40% held in the equity area provides me some dividend income along with some growth that equities generally provide which overtime offsets the effects of inflation. Some examples of investments held in this area are NEWFX, SVAAX, SPECX.
Generally, for my income distributions, I take no more than a sum equal to what one half of my five year average total return has been leaving the residual for new investment opportunity. In this way principal grows over time. And, as principal grows so do the distributions.
I wish all ... "Good Investing."
Derf, i do not see a link to the article or its name. Could you try again, please?
Old_Skeet, great thoughts and perspective, thx!
Please keep the conversation going!!!
- Here’s an overview of the full AARP edition for February/MAR 2019: https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/inside-the-februarymarch-issue-of-aarp-the-magazine-2019-02-07
- Here’s their one-year check-list: https://www.aarp.org/retirement/planning-for-retirement/info-2019/1-year-countdown.html
While the AARP materials leave me wanting, their suggestion to “test drive” the retirement budget a year ahead is invaluable - like testing the waters (and checking for crocodiles) before diving in.
http://retirementoptimizer.com (There are pdf copies of his book floating around on the internet)
You should be commended for wanting to plan 10 yrs out. I am 2 yrs in and still don’t have a plan. However, I do keep thinking - for 35 yrs I’ve told my wife “don’t buy that you’ll need that money later” and for 35 yrs she’s rolled her eyes and bought it anyway. Well so far, all that eye rolling was justified, later has never come and it doesn’t look like it will.
Our solution: moving in with cousins in a dream destination: Hawaii. The cost of living is considerably higher, but by sharing the housing expense (and food and cable) it's quite manageable. We've visited and spent time before, so we have a good feel for the environment. Taxes on retirees are not bad. I think I'll buy a bus pass. I'm not sure if I can use it all the way into Honolulu without an extra charge, but just about everything I need can be obtained on the Windward side of Oahu, where we're headed: Kaneohe.
This is not research or strategy, but it's well thought-out. "Fish and relatives stink after three days." Yes. Unless they're paying half the rent.
...Wifey will work. My SS and pension together will keep us comfortable, in any case. I just turned 65. I might just wait for the day when RMDs are required, to tap into my Trad. IRA. My accountant tells me I've got $5,000.00 of non-taxable, non-deductible IRA dollars still sitting in the account. He advises taking $1,000 or $2,000 at a time, if I choose to go that route.
You noted: "Gas is nuts: about $3.69. But you can't drive very far, anyhow, eh?....."
Island living.....Virgin Islands, etc. Always been expensive, except for some local products.....perhaps?
Don't recall exactly, but visiting family in the Virgin Islands 40 years ago, and one of the best Cruzan Rums available was about $1.00 for a tall bottle. A six pack of Coke for mix was about $2.50. These price ratios pretty much remain in tact to day.
Side story: St. Croix, V.I. Was there during a period of a small city parade. Fairly normal small town anywhere; with school marching bands, small floats being pulled by tractors, candy being thrown to the kids, AND 6 decorated flat bed trucks representing the rum distillers on the island............you guessed it. These flat beds moved along the road very slowly, and the adults could walk along the float and order their FREE favorite drink mix; as long as it contained RUM. Coca Cola, coconut milk mix.....whatever. The kids ended the day with a sugar buzz and some of the adults ended with a BUZZ, period. The most unique parade we've every attended.
I presume you've searched a cost of living comparison site for Hawaii.
Apparently the Arizona move is off the table, eh?
Global Cost of Living Index Columns may be sorted between high and low costs.
Wish you all well, if you choose to make the move.