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60 Minutes Encore: Ray Dalio: Explains His Principles

FYI: The billionaire hedge fund manager says his guidelines are the key to his company's success. But do employees really want "radical truthfulness"


  • The bubble submarine is still the best part.
  • edited July 2019
    Great stuff. I watched it on 60 Minutes for the second time tonight. Almost posted to inquire whether anyone here has read his book? But Ted beat me to the punch. Got a lot of other reading on my plate right now. So it’s dubious when / if I’ll get around to reading Principles. Great interview for sure and some dire social / political prophesies as well.

    If you don’t have time to view the video, Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, is worth an estimated $18 Billion. He has pledged half of his fortune to charity. Appears a lot of that is going to go towards increasing the effectiveness of secondary education in this country.
  • This still applies from a link in 2017, regarding Mr. Dalio and 30 minutes of your time.
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