Just posted the following at M* Forums.
Subject: Signing off, folks. Thanks for everything.
Hi folks -
This is to announce that after something like 10+ years and 4K+ posts I'm going to sign off as a forum regular. While M*Premium has its own set of seperate issues that make it far less handy to me as a research capability (and I let my subscription lapse a few years ago), the M* forums, even with their various technical hiccups over the years, used to be a fantastic gold mine of easy-to-find useful information and discussion. And while I thought the new forums would 'grow' on me, unfortunately they haven't.
And that's sad, b/c these forums offered a place to kick ideas around and hold ourselves accountable for investing actions/analysis. Along the way, I got to know and learn from many of you as fellow rational investors who willingly shared their perspectives, insights, wisdom, and experiences over the years, warts, drama, and all.

And for that, I'm sincerely grateful to all involved.
Please know that I respect, and also sympathize with Darrin and Ryan since there's only so much they can do other than listen to our complaints and try to make some changes around the edges where and when they can. I've been in their position myself during my career and know it can be a frustrating situation for them. Having spoken w/Darrin personally when various forum issues came up over the years, I certainly appreciate his (and now Ryan's) patience with us.
I hope functionality and usefulness improves here - I really do. I'll check back in from time to time and perhaps will rejoin as an active participant down the road if appropriate. Feel free to PM me if you want to stay in touch, but going forward, you can find me engaging at some of the other investing haunts many of us also frequent - and hopefully also at armchairinvesting.freeforums.net.
Thanks, everyone -- and good luck to all!
No but I think I earned the Voluntary Departure Badge.
(1) landlord substantially interferes with the tenant's use and enjoyment of the premises by his actions or failure to act to resolve a problem;
(2) tenant gives the landlord notice of the problem and the landlord fails to respond and resolve the problem; and
(3) the tenant vacates the premises in a reasonable amount of time after the landlord fails to resolve the problem.
That pretty much sums it up, I think.
Thanks, Rick; for your sharing of this decision.
Sad that these circumstances arise.
I recall the days of Yahoo investing forums and how that became pretty much a fight camp.
Take care,
Below is is a link as to what I posted under your Buy, Sell & Why thread.
The M* forums used to be much more active, and the sub forums dealing with mutual funds, portfolio design and asset allocation used to be among the most active. That has changed markedly over the past 5-10 years. Now the most popular forums are those dealing with CEFs, ETFs, dividend stocks, and what I would consider day trading. Much of the focus seems to be on the hot fund, ETF or CEF of the moment, rather than long-term investing based on principles such as diversification and asset allocation.
A few egocentric posters dominate discussions and effectively shout down others with opinions different than their own. One self-appointed bond fund expert ridicules investing principles such as diversification and buy-and-hold, while frequently espousing frequent trading, market timing and putting all (or most) of your eggs in one basket. His “research” supporting his views involves analyzing recent returns and volatility, and he ridicules anyone promoting a more long-term and patient approach to investing. As a buy-and-hold investor, I find little information of value on the M* any more.
That resulted in finding nothing !!
Have a good week, Derf