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Barry Ruitholtz: Money Doesn’t Deserve The Bad Rap It’s Getting

FYI: Money gets a bad rap. In the current environment, amid levels of inequality not seen since the 1920s, too many people find it too easy to disparage wealth and the quest for material goods. There is no doubt that lifestyle creep and the hedonic treadmill are not the paths to true happiness. But what we see today is a backlash caused, in part, by the hangover from the 2007-09 financial crisis.


  • Who's giving money a bad rap? The poor just deserve more of it and the rich need less of it. Otherwise, it's all good.
  • @Lewis: I couldn't agree with you more ! Now the question is how much more do the poor get, and how much less does the rich keep ?
  • Details, details!:-)
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