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Facebook Faces ESG Index Music

FYI: You’d think in the world of environmental, social and governance (ESG) index investing, the giant of social media—Facebook—would be a natural fit. But that’s not the case.

The $550 billion social media giant doesn’t impact the “environment” in any way near the way a fossil fuel company like Chevron does. Facebook is similar to other tech giants like Microsoft, Apple and Google. There are no belching smoke stacks in the tech world. These companies, which include Facebook, typically rank well when it comes to their environmental-friendly footprint.


  • In the world of ESG investing, governance means operating a business in a responsible manner for shareholders, employees and—more importantly—customers. It’s in the latter where Facebook has failed.

    The list of user-data breaches and personal privacy policy violations at Facebook have been well-documented over the years. Now, as early as this week, the company’s governance troubles are expected to come to a head.
    Corporate governance is the word!
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