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This Diversified 3-Click Portfolio Yields 11.7%, Pays Monthly: (THW) - (PDI) - (OXLC)

FYI: Make sure you understand leverage, each fund a lot)

What’s better than a portfolio that will pay you a $117,000 salary every year in retirement?

How about one that delivers a consistent paycheck each and every month that you can plan all of your regular expenses around?

I’ll show you how, via with three already-diversified high-yield monthly dividend stocks. But first, let me show you how most income investors get it wrong.

M* Snapshot THW:

M* snapshot PDI:

M* Snapshot OXLC:


  • Typical Forbes clickbait. Roll the dice, throw some darts, pick 3 semi-interesting funds that pay mightily and suggest it's that easy to retire with riches. Puh-lease.

    I haven't looked lately but doesn't PDI continue to run a massive premium? And if so why would you buy into it now? Sheer genius.....not.
  • I agree with rforno and now is not the time.

    PDI is selling at a 10.7% premium to NAV but one could substitute in PCI at a 1.9% premium and expect similar return results. The funds are identical in many respects. I own both in mass quantities but bought both at large discounts.

    THW a worldwide healthcare fund is selling at a near 7% discount to NAV mostly because healthcare has been taking a beating pretty much everywhere this year. I own a sister fund THQ.

    OXLC is a high-yield, double seatbelt fund selling at a 57% premium. Enough said.
  • True about PDI and PCI, and I have owned both and recently have swapped from the latter to the former ... but it has to be pointed out that the premium / discount difference correlates with performance not at all, so far as I can see. It all does seem at the same time unbelievable and consistent.
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