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Preferred Stock Issued By A mREIT

Preferred Stock Issued By A mREIT
Jul. 10, 2019 12:40 PM ETNew Residential Investment Corp. (NRZ), NRZ.PA17 Comments19 Likes

Overview of New Residential Investment Corp.'s new preferred stock - NRZ.PA.
Brief view of the company.
Comparison with the sector.
Where in the context of all Fixed-to-Floating preferred stocks does NRZ.PA stand?
Comparison with the other mREITs' preferred stocks.


  • edited July 2019
    @johnN, I've seen that you like to buy individual bonds for their yield. Do you also buy prefereds for their yield? This is a new IPO. The article is interesting and positive towards the security. Are you looking to buy into NRZ.PRA?

    summary from the article:
    As fixed-income traders, we follow every one preferred stock or baby bond, which is listed on the stock exchange. As such, NRZ.PA is on exception, and the homework we always do we share it with the public. It is not necessary for the IPO to be an arbitrage and a bargain but in many cases, the new security happens to be better than the ones already trading on the market. ...Overall, I consider the new IPO an excellent mREIT preferred stock.
  • edited July 2019
    Hi sir MIKEM

    We don't have that much preferred in our portfolio

    Few we have preferred or hy

    Our preferred portfolio ~0.5 %total
    (real estates pipelines biotech)

    Duke Realty preferred

    Maybe better get bonds or bonds fund... Best enjoy these vehicles after div dates... you have to watch 'em like hawks . They go up down Very quickly and loose money very quickly

    Not buying this vehicle... I did bought dillard's bonds few days ago

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