FYI: Equities have continued to pull back off of their all-time highs from last week with further declines yesterday. Despite these declines, only small and mid-caps are in the red over the last five days. Whereas almost every major index ETF except for small-caps had been overbought, today there are nine overbought and another five that are neutral. Large caps remain overbought but have come off of near extreme levels. Meanwhile, mid-caps like the Core S&P Mid-Cap (IJH) and the S&P MidCap 400 (MDY) have moved back into neutral from overbought territory. These two ETFs are also about flat in the past week with each only having moved a few basis points. This is in stark contrast to the other mid-cap ETF in our Trend Analyzer, the Russell Mid-Cap (IWR), which has traded more in line with large caps. Currently, IWR is overbought and is dramatically outperforming other mid-caps as it has moved over 1% higher in the last week. As previously mentioned, small caps have yet to make it into overbought territory and are underperforming the rest of the market over the past week.