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Chuck Jaffe's Money Life Show: Guest: Frank Holmes, CEO, U.S. Global Investors

FYI: (Slide mouse to 17:50 minutes for Frank Holmes Interview.)

Frank Holmes, chief executive at U.S. Global Investors, said he sees the market currently in a good place, helped by the changing tide of interest rates, but he noted that investors should be looking to diversify into gold and fixed-income to take advantage of that shift as it occurs during a time of slowing economic growth that will make for tougher sledding for stocks. Also, Danielle Shay of said that the resolution of trade issues with Mexico was a strong short-term win for the market, which she now expects to settle into a range until the next earnings season in July, which could prove to be a catalyst for a move higher. Cather Golladay of Schwab Retirement Plan Services discusses the magic number that Americans think they need to amass for a secure retirement, and we rebroadcast a recent Market Call interview with Mike Larson of Weiss Ratings and Weiss' Safe Money Report.

U.S. Global Investors Funds:
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