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Josh and Barry Tweet Like Crazy. Are They Revolutionizing RIA Marketing — Or Just Wasting Time?

FYI: Country club chatter, fake laughs, and phony shoulder slaps don’t matter to a new generation of investors glued to their phones. Instead, authenticity, popularity, and the ability to entertain reign supreme.

Enter Josh Brown, co-founder, CEO, and public face of New York–based investment advisory firm Ritholtz Wealth Management


  • What's "RIA?" Brown and Ritholtz are two names I generally trust. Do they tweet too much? I don't care. This much was news to me: "...Though today Brown is the firm’s most public face, others play a public role, too. “We kind of have divided and conquered the media world,” says Ritholtz. “Everybody writes and publishes on the research side,” including Batnick, Ben Carlson (@awealthofcs) and Blair duQuesnay (@BlairHduQuesnay), who writes The Belle Curve blog..." If those others are of the same ilk as Brown and Ritholtz, they'll be worth reading or listening to...
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