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10 Safe Investments to Protect Your Money - investing 101

10 Safe Investments to Protect Your Money
Don't think article posted

-All safe investments come with a catch. They, alone, will never make you Bezos billions. They can, however, earn a little while serving another purpose such as being fairly liquid or balancing a portfolio. This roundup of safe investments explains their pros and cons to help you determine which investments best fit your needs. For even more detailed information, you may want to consult a financial advisor.-

Saving accts
Good grade bonds
Good grades munis
Bonds funds or etf


  • @MFO Members: Own #3 , #4 & #10.
  • Old_Skeet owns #1, #3, #4 and #10.
  • @Ted & Old_Skeet: Are both of you sure that somewhere in your portfolios a mutual fund does hold some tips # 7 ?
    I have some in VG retirement fund.
  • edited June 2019
    @Derf, I though about the very same that you bring up ... and, I guess indirectly I do through owning item #10 which is a bond fund. By having a good number of income generating positions within my portfolio I suspect that I do own most of the items noted in the article plus a few others as my commodity strategy fund has a yield of better than 10% and my real estate income fund has a nice yield of about 4.0%. Granted, they have more risk; but, they also generate a higher income stream. And, they don't offer protection of principal in the same way the items covered in the article do.
  • someone got paid to type this
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