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These Five Real Estate Funds Are Among The Best Performers Over The Past Year.

FYI: Real estate investment trusts have had a good 2019. The FTSE Nareit All Equity REITs index has returned 17.8% as of May 28, compared with 12.7% for the S&P 500 index.

REITs are popular among income investors because they’re required to pay out at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders.

Selecting individual stocks can be tricky. There are 33 REITs specializing in retail properties alone, according to Nareit, a trade group. For guidance, Barron’s looked at the largest holdings of five real estate mutual funds with strong one-year performance. Those funds are listed in the accompanying table.


  • Thx

    From. Newmax
    DFA Real Estate Securities I (DFREX) has a one-year return of 21.65%. Its biggest holding is American Tower (AMT)/
    Neuberger Berman Real Estate (NREAX) has a one-year return of 20.72%. Its biggest holding is also American Tower (AMT).
    Principal Real Estate Securities (PRRAX) has a one-year return of 20.25%. Its biggest holding is Prologis (PLD).
    Cohen & Steers Real Estate Securities (CSEIX) has a one-year return of 19.98%. Its biggest holding is Equinix (EQIX).
    DWS RREEF Real Estate Securities (RRRAX) has a one-year return of 19.54%. Its biggest holding is Simon Property Group (SPG).

    Read Newsmax: Barron's: 5 REITs for Income Investors to Consider
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