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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Financial Calculators

A good resource for many of your financial scenarios:


  • Hi bee,
    Great post! It's been bookmarked. Thank you.
    What are you doing with your portfolio? Would really like to see it if you would post it again. Me.....not so much. I don't do well at the speed of tweet.

    God bless
    the Pudd

    p.s., The Dukester says please don't fade're way too important to us, bro!

  • Hi @bee Thank you for the mega list calculators and related.

    I'm including this link of 18 common calculators directed to household financial considerations. Although this link is via AARP, I've found these newer style calculators at other sites, too. While I haven't tried all the calculators, the investment return calculator is easy, smooth and quick; and in particular, just below the fill-in box is an overview of investment markets, named "rate of return". I find this of value for those who are not so familiar with the markets, and provides historical reference data. I've used this group of calculators to pass along to those much younger than I to help them improve their budget/spending habits and perhaps gain a bit more money to invest for their future retirement years.
    No login or membership required to use these calculators.
    Give the investment return calculator a test drive to see what you think about its value.

    Common Usage Financial calculators

  • @MFO Members A calculator be any other name is still 2x2=4 !
  • Ya, @Ted You're such an inconsiderate person for those who don't have your financial knowledge. @bee took the time to offer a link of value and you have nothing to offer but a smart ass comment.
    The site link I added has helped friends and family gain knowledge to better their understanding of money matters; to provide better for themselves and their family.
    I know this has helped a few in particular, to start their children in Roth IRA's.

    You're such a smart ass, you've placed yourself into the dumb ass category of homo sapiens. You proof this over and over again here.

    I'm sad for you and your lack of passion for others.

    What a drag, on the positive side of life, you truly are.
  • @MFO Members: bee linked an informative link on financial calculators, in my opinion the above posted's link added nothing.
  • You are your own worst enemy, @Ted. But I'm sure that isn't news to you.
  • msf
    edited June 2019
    Where is the health care costs calculator on bee's page? As bee wrote, it's "a good resource for many of your financial scenarios". And it truly is. But not for all of them.
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