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How A Winning Bond Fund Spreads Its Bets: (DCPAX)

FYI: Gautam Khanna’s philosophy of “respond instead of react” is one he learned as a teenager mountaineering in the Indian Himalayas. “When you’re going into the elements at very high altitude, above the tree line, and snow-capped year-round, it’s all about preparation,” says Khanna, who moved to the U.S. after high school. “It’s understanding the risks and understanding how are you going to handle those risks when they arrive.”

The same can be said for fixed-income markets, where unexpected economic news or government policy can trigger losses. Khanna, who has been the lead manager of the $606 million BNY Mellon Insight Core Plus bond fund (ticker: DCPAX) since its 2010 inception, credits a rigorous investment process for the fund’s consistent returns. Its institutional shares have returned an average of 3.2% a year over the past five years, better than 92% of intermediate-term bonds. (Retail shares became available in 2018.)

M*Snapshot DCPAX:


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