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Bespoke: US Equity Indices Now Solidly Oversold

FYI: As shown in our Trend Analyzer snapshot below, all six of the most closely watched US equity index ETFs are now trading in oversold territory. The dot in the "trading range" section of the snapshot shows where each ETF is currently trading within its range relative to its 50-day moving average. A move into the green shading of the chart represents oversold territory, which is more than one standard deviation below the ETF's 50-day moving average. The dark green shading represents extreme oversold territory, which is between two and three standard deviations below the 50-DMA. The Russell 2,000 (IWM) small-cap ETF is the most oversold, while the remaining five are all in roughly the same position just above extreme territory.


  • The S&P 500 is up about 300% since its March 2009 lows, yet its oversold. Go figure.
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