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Jason Zweig: Think Before You Fish For Bargains In Chinese Stocks

FYI: The trade battle between the U.S. and China hasn’t just hurt American farmers and Chinese exporters; it has also hit U.S. investors who pumped $2.8 billion into China funds in the first four months of 2019 on top of the $6.4 billion they added last year. So far this month alone, Chinese stocks are down 13%, according to MSCI.

Many U.S. investors seem to have raised their exposure to China—despite the protracted trade dispute—largely in hopes of capturing higher future returns from the country’s brisk economic growth.


  • What kind of bait would one use to catch these stocks ? $$$$$
  • Putting everything into their perspectives - being cheap is relative. If the prolong scenario plays out these stocks can continue to slide lower. That is the risk of investing in EM. It is best to have either long horizon (20+ years or longer) or hire a skillful money manager.
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