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Hedge Fund Manager David Tepper Plans To Send Investors' Money Back

FYI: Billionaire David Tepper plans to turn his hedge fund Appaloosa Management into a family office where he will invest his personal fortune and return capital to outside clients at some point, a person familiar with his plans said on Thursday.

Appaloosa, which was founded by Tepper, has gained an average of 25% each year for more than a quarter century and manages $13 billion in capital.


  • Wow! Didn't see that coming. Too bad I never had the admittance fee for that ride.
  • edited May 2019
    Last year David Tepper purchased the Carolina Panthers for 2.2 billion dollars. This might explain, in part, why he is throtteling back his hedge fund activities so he can devote more time to football. There is strong talk of moving the team's headquarters and practice field form Charlotte to Fort Mill, SC while continuning to play thier home games in Charlotte if the City will make improvements and upgardes to the stadium which, some say, include a retractable roof. Many locals are saying let them go to South Carolina as we will still have baseball and basketball in the uptown area plus the football stadium can be converted to hold soccer. Seems, Marcus Smith (Speedway Motor Sports) wants to bring a soccer team to Charlotte.
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