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Heating Up: Investors' Green Targets Go Beyond Oil Patch

FYI: It’s not just big oil and power companies that investors are pushing to do better on the environment.

In the next few weeks, Amazon investors will vote on a proposal made by shareholders and workers to push the company to describe how it’s curbing its use of fossil fuels. In California, investors of Ross Stores are asking the retailer of off-price clothing to set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And in Kentucky, Yum Brands shareholders are pushing for an annual report on what the parent of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell is doing about deforestation caused by its suppliers.

As the earth gets warmer, shareholders with the environment in mind are widening their focus and increasingly targeting consumer businesses, internet companies and others that don’t first come to mind as big polluters.


  • Ted


    Copyright, Telegraph Herald. This story cannot be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior authorization from the TH.
  • TedTed
    edited May 2019
    Gary: "Copyright, Telegraph Herald. This story cannot be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without prior authorization from the TH." That's only true if I were using the article for profit ! There is no copyright violation !
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