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Boeing Knew About 737 Max Sensor Problem Before Plane Crash In Indonesia
This post is just to advise that significant additional information regarding the Boeing 737 situation has been added to the ongoing MFO 737 discussion.
For the sake of subject continuity, please add any comments to that post.
@MFO Members: "This post is just to advise that significant additional information", are you kidding me, this is just another round about way to bump a post. The poster has trouble living without his/her daily BA message. Regards, Ted
@Ted: If you had bothered to read the new report you would have saved yourself from yet another display of ignorance.
I've attempted to prevent this post from being bumped by requesting that no comments be added here. Evidently you still haven't figured out that YOU yourself are completely responsible for the bumps.
By the way, with respect to your grammatical construction generally, and your above post specifically, all I can say is that I really hope that you were never responsible for teaching children to be competent in their native English tongue. In well over ten years I have yet to see you post a well-constructed paragraph in the English language.
I've attempted to prevent this post from being bumped by requesting that no comments be added here. Evidently you still haven't figured out that YOU yourself are completely responsible for the bumps.
By the way, with respect to your grammatical construction generally, and your above post specifically, all I can say is that I really hope that you were never responsible for teaching children to be competent in their native English tongue. In well over ten years I have yet to see you post a well-constructed paragraph in the English language.