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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Have Multiple Retirement Accounts? Use Them In This Order.

FYI: As an investor, it’s easy to blow it. You could sell too early, buy too late. Bet on a loser or pass over a winner. But often the most damaging mistake has nothing to do with the selection or timing of investments—it is carelessness when it comes to managing a portfolio for taxes. This is particularly important when you’re planning how you’ll take withdrawals for retirement income.


  • I've cited this Kitces piece before:
    Tax-Efficient Spending Strategies From Retirement Portfolios
    The conventional view is that taxable investment accounts should be liquidated first, while tax-deferred accounts are allowed to continue to compound. ...

    However, the optimal approach is actually to preserve the tax-preferenced value of retirement accounts and to fill the tax brackets early on, by funding retirement spending from taxable investment accounts [while doing Roth conversions] ...

    ... tap investment accounts for retirement cash flows in the early years, [and tap] a combination of taxable IRA and tax-free Roth accounts in the later years
    Emphasis in original.
  • Thanks @msf
    I thought my allergy meds were messing with my short term recall of a post here.
  • does the calcs for you and winds up (at least my inputs) in the same 'combination' place as kitces, and has led me to do more 50-50 (+/-) than I would've been inclined to otherwise
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