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Bonds rally as the Fed hits the pause button

edited April 2019 in Fund Discussions
Bonds rally as the Fed hits the pause button

Fixed Income Team
Bonds rally as the Fed hits the pause button

An inverted yield curve raises concerns about a U.S. downturn.

The Federal Reserve's dovish shift on interest rates has boosted Wall Street.

China and the United States inch closer to finalizing a new trade deal.


  • For what it is worth, the Canadian 3 month/10 year has inverted.

    Also, that a bond rally has been in place for some time now. I presume the linked Putnam write is an article to their customer base presenting their viewpoints. IMHO, one should not take this article as new information for April 24, 2019. As of today, there are numerous bond funds that continue to move into the overbought area.

    This is the chart of a decent intermediate bond fund, BAGIX.
  • @johnN- There you go. Nicely done. :)
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