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edited April 2019 in Fund Discussions


  • Anyone bailing out
  • @johnN
    You need to start your own post with your question.
    Express to what your game plan is or will be; and then ask the question of the board.

  • edited April 2019
    johnN said:

    ”Anyone bailing out”

    @JohnN, How’s Boeing doing since you bought some back on March12?

    (Your “bailing out” expression made me think of airplanes for some reason - Boeing in particular.)

  • I have sold some more DSE_X, again prematurely, it appears

  • "Still, history bodes well for stocks the remainder of the year. Since 1950, the S&P 500 has recorded 10 first quarters where the index gained at least 10%. On nine of those 10 occasions, the index rose for the remainder of the year, averaging a gain of 5.8%. The only year it declined was 1987, known for Black Monday, when the index fell 15% after the first quarter but still closed out the full year with a 2% gain"

    If I'm reading this correctly, one should sell somewhere with the gain over 10 % ,as the yearly gain was ONLY 5.8% ?
  • @Derf, from the paragraph you copy-pasted, 5.8% is over the "remainder" of the year, the last 3 quarters. That's how I read it anyway.
  • @_hank hi sir... BA moves like a turtle up 1% since bought it... Folks told me to hold it for one two yrs... It's maybe a long term holding
  • edited April 2019
    @JohnN, Thanks for checking. BA closed near $362 on / around March 12 following the recent accident. This morning it’s at $374. That looks more like a 3% gain in price from around the time you reported buying. Not bad. Linked article talks about Boeing’s recent ups & downs (no pun intended) from an investment standpoint.
  • @Mike M: I suggest you look up total return for S&P 1987! Another writer with not enough time.
  • Thanks @Derf, but it holds no interest to me. I was just pointing out what I read in your post.
  • @ MikeM: That's why I asked the question. I thought I might be missing something. & when you replied it sparked my interest.
    Hence forth, believe nothing you hear & only 1/2 of what you see.

    Enjoy the weather, Derf
  • edited April 2019
    Hi Sirs: @hank @catch22 - Not much changes in the short or long term game plans. We bought more junk bonds MNK [561234AE5 4.75%], HP corp bond [428236BR3], Vanguard healthcare etf and VTI recently. Otherwise we are not doing much because of heavily paid for taxations due 4/15, also paid high fees for home insurance/vacations expenditures w wifey few wks ago, and repair old car engine. We are still 80/20 at 401k from work/

    We don't know if there will be a massive crash in 6-24 months, if that the case we may spend our cash/free up bonds and may buy real estate
  • Ted left the light on for you!!
  • edited April 2019
    @Ted thx
    @Gary Hi Sir - right...many folks response much more to Ted Old_Joe, Catch22, msf, hank, Crash [because of previous MFO civil wars and expertise w/ ETF/MF buyings investment advices) >> than some of us (smaller fishes in big MFO ocean). Grade A+++ alpha dogs/heard leaders @ MFO
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