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New MFO Search Tools Publicly Available

edited April 2019 in MFO Premium
We've supplanted our "Miraculous MultiSearch" and Risk Profile search tools with QuickSearch, which is now available on the MFO Premium site. It offers more features and is updated monthly.

We've also consolidated our Great Owl, Three Alarm, and Dashboard (of Profiled Funds) tools to the MFO Premium site, similar info as before but more user-friendly and also updated monthly.

All these tools remain available to public and trace back, in fact, to our legacy Fund Alarm site. (Yay!)

MFO Premium's main tool, also called "MultiSearch," is available to subscribers and contributors of MFO. It features stored WatchLists and Pre-Set Screens and enables searches based on up to 80 criteria, across 38 evaluations periods, for all U.S. Mutual Funds, ETFs, CEFs, and Insurance Funds, including all share classes. It maintains a suite of supporting fund analytics, including Correlation, Rolling Averages, Ferguson Metrics, Calendar Year Returns, Batting Averages, Fund Compare and Trend.

For complete picture of all the metrics and screening features available, please visit the ScreenShots and Resources sections on MFO Premium Welcome page.

Hope you'll enjoy the new search tools and updated formats.

As always, if you see anything amiss or have suggestions for improvement, please forward and we will try to address soonest.



  • edited April 2019
    @Charles - I love the QuickSearch even more than the Miraculous MultiSearch with the flashy name. I appreciate all of the improvements. However, I miss the "Search Tools" button on your menu bar. I hope that you don't think that I am too lazy.
  • Ha! Cool. Yes, me too. "Miraculous MultiSearch" was our very first try. I actually like the larger, more simplified look of QuickSearch and plan to bring that to the main MultiSearch tool, which is where I live. The Navigation bar on top of the page is equivalent to the Search Tools button ...

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