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Preferred ETFs Beckon Buying Opportunity After Pullback

edited April 2019 in Fund Discussions

Preferred ETFs Beckon Buying Opportunity After Pullback
By Todd ShriberonApril 3, 2019
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Preferred stocks and related exchange traded funds retreated along with other income-generating assets as U.S. yields spiked in response to the Federal Reserve’s tighter monetary policy, but the asset category may offer an attractive buying opportunity after the pullback.


  • Article headline mentions plural ETFs, but then only mentions on in the actual content. Typical.

    The only preferred ETF I care to own is PFXF b/c it doesn't hold non-cumulative bank preferreds.
  • edited April 2019
    I'm not seeing the intrigue for owning preferred stocks unless it is strictly for income. I don't see their use in a total return portfolio. Especially from what the article says,
    the assets are vulnerable in a rising interest rate environment.
    I'm ignorant on this type of investment. Can someone offer benefits to owning?
  • edited April 2019
    Hi sir

    Ted has PFF since late ~2010s and sold it I believe few yrs back since cutting back in equities

    I still have pff and use if almost like a corp bond mainly for incomes... The do pay nicely div every month. They have bunch of equities and varieties of vehicles... More risky than bonds for sure.. Fee us reasonable for pff.. More diverse than using just Corp bond ETF. Maybe inversely related to interest rates

    If company tank or bankrupt they will pay bonds owner first (if, companies have bonds) then preferred owners then lastly stock owners

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