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Twin Troubles Strike the Bond Market

edited March 2019 in Fund Discussions
The Wall Street Journal is today reporting that "The global bond market flashed two prominent warning signals on the economy Friday, spooking investors and feeding a selloff in stocks—particularly bank stocks."

"The yield on 10-year German government bonds, the European benchmark, turned negative for the first time since 2016. Across the Atlantic, the 10-year Treasury yield fell below that of three-month Treasury bills. This “inversion,” which was last seen in August 2007, is considered to be a reliable predictor of recessions in the U.S."

"“You have a very clear signal here that the market is anticipating a notable slowdown on both sides of the Atlantic,” said Richard McGuire, head of rates strategy at Dutch group Rabobank."

(The WSJ is a subscriber-only web site.)


  • @Finally something to do with investing or the economy. MFO Members are...................
  • @Ted: Thanks for your interest and push into the Comments+ section. Mucho Gracias!
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