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3 great Tips for Retirement Investors

3 Great Tips for Retirement Investors

March 20, 2019

When you think of investing, you might believe you have no control over the outcome. Perhaps you think of a casino, where the "house" always wins in the end, while hapless gamblers continue stuffing hard-earned dollars into the slots, fervently hoping for a big payout.

Fortunately, there is good news for people investing for their retirement.

It's true that nobody can control the movements of the stock-and-bond markets. There's a positive aspect to that: It's exactly because of this uncertainty that investors are rewarded for taking the risk.

But retirement planning is more complex than simply taking a flyer on the market, or, even worse, stashing your funds in a certificate of deposit or money market account, the modern-day equivalents of the coffee can in the backyard.

This is where financial advisors add value for clients. Despite market vicissitudes, there are several areas of your financial and investing life that you can control to give yourself a greater chance of a successful retirement outcome. – Kate Stalter


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