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Bespoke: The Bespoke Report – Break Out The Monocle: ETF Asset Class Performance Matrix

FYI: Below is an updated look at our ETF Asset Class Performance Matrix, which shows the total returns of key ETFs across assets classes on both a YTD, MTD basis as well as over the last week. How strong were global equity markets this week? Well of all the equity-related ETFs in the matrix, not a single one finished the week in the red. Even Industrials (XLI), which were dragged down by Boeing (BA), managed to eke out a gain of 0.2%. Among US indices, the Nasdaq 100 blew away the field rallying over 4%, but every other US index ETF was up over 1.4%. International markets were even stronger with India (PIN), Brazil (EWZ), and China (ASHR) all rallying more than 4%. Rounding out the four names from BRIC, Russia (RSX) even rallied 3.5%. In terms of YTD leaders, China and Crude oil are neck and neck for the top spot with gains of 25%+.


  • Always enjoy the easy to digest market 'over/under sold' graphics this Bespoke site gives. Thanks for posting it.
  • @MikeM: Thanks, and I didn't need OJ permission !
  • You don't need my "permission" to do anything, @Ted. But when you cheat to artificially boost your links into the "Comments +" section, you'd better believe that I'll call you on that.
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