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Income Ideas From Every Corner Of The Market: (FKIQX)

FYI: When Ed Perks graduated from Yale University in 1992, he packed up his Mitsubishi hatchback and drove from his childhood home in Levittown, N.Y., to San Francisco. The fact that he didn’t have a job waiting for him in California did little to temper his enthusiasm. “The San Francisco area really stood out to me as an opportunity in the early ’90s because of the community that existed here in the finance industry,” says Perks, who is 48. “You had smaller investment banks and hedge funds, but also established asset managers

M* Snapshot FKIQX:

Lipper Snapshot FKIQX:

FKINX Is Rank #6 In The (30%-50%-E) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • edited March 2019
    @Ted: Thanks for posting. Frankin Income Fund is Old_Skeet's largest holding followed by Income Fund of America. I'm now 70+ years in age and have owned Franklin Income Fund since my teenage years. It's done me right!

    I was able to navigate around Barron's paywall. Here is how. I Googled the article title and found it a featured article in MarketWatch. Then to read I had to open it in a incognito tab.
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