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  • Talked about Bob Evans as I remember they were over priced and didn't last long in our community. The menu was full of descriptive BS that made You feel like you were buying something special. Only thing special was the bill as I remember. About like Boston Market. Thaler's mutual fund 2 month's track record don't know about it. Will come back in 10 years and look at it.
  • edited February 2019
    @Gary: That's kind'a like southern style green beans. Put, a slice of country ham in the pot with them and heat for about fifteen minutes. With this, a can of Delmonte cut green beens now becomes southern style. In addition, some add small red or white potatoes to the mix as well.
  • I think I had that at Bob Evans - Cost was about $32.00 for 2 people. The menu said something like - the potatoes were grown on the Bob Evans farm and were dug that morning. Waitress was at the counter more interested in BS'ing with a truck driver rather than providing good service. I guess this doesn't happen any where else does it?
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