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IRS says it will waive underpayment penalty for more people

Kathleen Pender currently has an informative article in the San Francisco Chronicle regarding new IRS regulations for the 2018 tax year.


  • edited January 2019
    “Normally, taxpayers who come up short generally face no penalty if the balance due on their tax return is less than $1,000. If it’s more than that, they won’t face a penalty if they have paid — through withholding or estimated taxes throughout the year — at least 90 percent of their 2018 tax liability or 100 percent of their 2017 tax liability (110 percent for those with adjusted gross income of $150,000 or more)”

    That $1,000 figure is the same number I saw mentioned 10-15 years ago. You’d think it would be a bit higher by now.

    (Ques. deleted).

    BTW - Time to download Turbo - or tax-prep of choice - and write out a fat check to our non-functioning government.:(
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