There are sometimes portfolio returns floated in this forum. If your portfolio has contributions and withdrawal the return could be very different than a simple calculation that only involves beginning and final values of the portfolio. There are several ways to do this. For example, the following paper lists a few of these schemes. Bender Assets/How-to-Calculate-your-Portfolio-s-Rate-of-Return_v03linked.pdfI personally use a simplified version of modified dietz formula where all contributions and withdrawals are assumed to have happened in the middle of the period. The simplified formula is below:
Ri = (FVi - BVi - CFi) / (BVi + 0.5 * CFi)
Ri = The return of the period i (To get % return of the period multiply this number by 100)
BVi = Beginning value of the portfolio
FVi = Final value of the portfolio
CFi = Net Cash Flow for the period (additions - withdrawals)
To increase the accuracy, I calculate the returns each month and geometrically link them as follows:
Rytd = (1 + R1) * (1 + R2) * ... * (1 + Rn) - 1
If you do this for 12 months you get the 1 year return.
Example: Portfolio begins with $100,000.
Month Month End Net CF Return
------ ----------- ---------- ------
January $104,417.00 $1,000.00 3.40%
February $107,016.98 $0.00 2.49%
March $107,742.56 -$1,000.00 1.62%
April $112,786.66 $5,000.00 0.04%
May $110,002.88 $1,000.00 -3.34%
June $113,522.35 $1,000.00 2.28%
July $114,850.56 $0.00 1.17%
August $117,638.49 $1,000.00 1.55%
September $119,497.18 $0.00 1.58%
October $115,305.41 -$3,000.00 -1.01%
November $115,893.47 $0.00 0.51%
December $116,090.49 $0.00 0.17%
Final Portfolio Value = $116,090.49
Monthly Returns are calculated via above formula: For example:
R1=(104,417.00-100,000.00-1,000.00)/(100,000.00+0.5*1,000.00)=3417/100500=0.0340 => 3.40%
R2=(107,016.98-104,417.00-0.00)/(104,417.00+0.5*0.00)=2599.98/104417=0.0249 => 2.49%
Portfolio Return=(1+0.034)*(1+0.0249)*(1+.0162)*(1+0.0004)*(1-0.0334)*(1+0.0228)*(1+0.0117)*(1+0.0155)*(1+0.0158)*(1-0.0101)*(1+0.0051)*(1+0.0017)-1
Portfolio Return=0.1078 =>
10.78%If $5000 net cash flow was not taken into account portfolio would be: 16.09%. The actual return is far less.
Thanks for your contributions.
Anyone else is using it?
In this case, it was close enough. You basically transferred the 5000 to the beginning of the period.
If you want slightly better one use my formula (which treats 5000 invested in the middle of the computation period) for overall return.
(116090.49 - 100000.00 - 5.0000) / (100000.00 + 0.5 * 5000) = 11090.49 / 102500 = 10.82% which is closer to the linked return.
This sort of simplifications can be used if the additions and subtractions are small relative to the size of the portfolio.