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YAFFX is Shining Again During The Current Downturn

edited December 2018 in Fund Discussions
What makes for a good fund for staying invested through a downturn? YAFFX appears to be working its magic again during the current pullback.

Here is how it has fared this fall:

Fall of 2018

And here is how it fared during and following the 2008 to 2009 market decline:

2008 to 2009 Downturn

YAFFX had 24% in cash as of 9/30. So, there were plenty of $'s on the sidelines to put to work when valuations become more favorable. This might not be a bad pick for someone who wants to stay invested but is concerned about the direction of the U.S. stock market going into 2019.


  • This fund has been on my radar for years -- thanks for calling attention to it again. Its holdings are really interesting: mostly megacap consumer goods & technology, with a number of foreign companies & even a high-yield bond or two thrown it. Just wish it had a lower ER... but a great fund.
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