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Ed Perks, Franklin Income Fund Manager, Outlook For 2019: (FKINX)

FYI: You might expect a 70-year-old mutual fund with $74 billion in assets to be set in its ways.

But the Franklin Income Fund’s holdings have gone through big changes in recent years. Ed Perks, the fund’s lead manager, described those shifts as well as the uncertain investing landscape of 2018 and what he sees ahead.

The Franklin Income Fund FKINX, -0.93% FRIAX, -0.94% was launched in August 1948. The fund’s objective is to maximize income while also seeking opportunities for capital growth, with a diversified, actively managed portfolio of stocks, bonds and convertible securities.

In an interview on Dec. 18, Perks said the fund was about evenly allocated between fixed-income and equity investments. At the beginning of 2018 the allocation was about 40% fixed income and 60% equities. Perks said that this year the fund’s management team has “softened its overall investment posture,” in order to “reduce total expected portfolio risk going forward.”

M* Snapshot FKINX:

Lipper Snapshot FKINX:

FKINX Is Rank #21 In The (30%-50%-E) Fund Category By U.S. News & World Report:


  • @Ted: Thanks for posting the article on Franklin Income Fund. It was nice to read about one of my holdings once again. At 70+ years in age myself the fund has been one of my holdings since my teenage years. It has also grown through the years to become one of my larger holdings.
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