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Here's Why Stocks Have Sold Off So Steeply In December

What’s happening out there? Is it the trade war? Is it the Fed? What about European politics and the weeks-long “yellow vests” protests in France? Whatever it is, it is risk-off. It’s not good for any stock market, virtually anywhere Thursday morning.


  • @John

    You don’t suppose it’s the theatrical adaptation of Abbot & Costello’s Who’s on First? - currently running in the nation’s capitol?
  • Duh. Ya, Mattis quitting, and the Trumpster's continued childish antics have nothing to do with anything. Right? Frikkin' clown-show where there are supposed to be leaders. Including the lame-duck House. Build a wall, indeed. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."
  • edited December 2018
    Like the great previous potus hoover stated - if u want a friend in Washington DC bring a dog-

    Buckle down recession coming... It's long overdue... Others right side probably hoping for double dip

    I would not be surprise if another 10 15%down from here.

    Building cash... Will Dca slowly into positions that you may like or wish could bought 5 yrs ago (like brk.b amz Google)
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