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U.S. Equity Fund Sell-Off Tops $46B What's Next?

The U.S. equity mutual funds market witnessed the largest weekly sell-off between Dec 5 and 12, with investors redeeming $46 billion amid macroeconomic fears, per a report by Lipper. The data comes at a time when an ongoing stock market sell-off has pushed the broader S&P 500 index into correction


  • edited December 2018
    I haven’t sold anything. Maybe pick up some bargains when I rebalance around January 1. Not the first time I’ve felt out of step.

    (As noted previously, am in process of moving some funds from one house to another - but the allocation to equities won’t change)
  • Dollar wise or % wise ? @ hank: Same here.

  • No selling here ... if anything, I'm slowly nibbling and buying.....

    ... but nothing grabs headlines like photos of shocked floor traders and panicked headlines about market volatility, right?
  • edited December 2018
    Derf said:

    Dollar wise or % wise ? @ hank: Derf

    I guess that would be % - wise Derf. Most anything with risk exposure will fall in both dollar terms and percentage terms during a bad market. At the same time, cash and bonds will normally increase as a percentage of your assets. At last look, my normal 38-42% allocation to equity weighted funds (mostly balanced funds) had slipped from 39.5% mid-summer to 38.5%.

    Haven’t checked recently because of all the distributions - and being otherwise occupied. Suspect that when the dust settles (distribution season ends) the equity loaded portion will come in a bit under 38%. That’s where my pre-sets would mandate rebalancing back to 40%. Should that portion fail to fall below 38% no rebalance would occur. Other portfolio areas with risk exposure (in particular real-assets) have also experienced losses the past couple months and might be due for a rebalance.

    My thinking for a couple years has been that equity valuations had “over-reached” and couldn’t be sustained at those levels. IMHO a steady measured approach (neither rushing in nor rushing out) is a good way to go. I’m off between 3 and 4% YTD. If you’re willing to expose your money to the markets in pursuit of better long-term returns (and inflation protection), that’s a very small loss ... “Ay, ay, a scratch, a scratch.”
  • No changes. Selective buying like JNJ Monday.
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