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Consuelo Mack's WealthTrack : Guest: Ed Hyman & Matthew McLennan: 2019 New Year Outlook

FYI: Part I of our exclusive annual U.S. outlook from Wall Street’s long-reigning king of economists, Ed Hyman with global portfolio manager, Matthew McLennan.


  • Well worthwhile to hear from Ed Hyman and Matt McLennan. Hyman is more optimistic and does not see recession until several years from now. Also he likes the newer tech stocks that create new markets. As usual McLennan discussed how he positions his portfolio (defensively) in today environment,
  • That's the first time I've heard them express fundamental disagreement over much of anything. The interview's pretty good for hearing both points of view.
  • Part II of the interview is coming, and I cannot wait. Nevertheless I tend to more agree with Matt McClennan's view after following him for a number of years. His thoughtful approach is particularly appealing particularly in today environment -quite the opposite to Cliff Asness (AQR funds).
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