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Q&A With Liz Ann Sonders: A Bear Market Is Here And A Recession Could Be Coming

FYI: As chief investment strategist for Charles Schwab , Liz Ann Sonders is Main Street’s guide to Wall Street. Lately, her advice to individual investors is to tread carefully, as she sees recession risks rising in 2019, some sort of bear market, and probably greater volatility.
Ted barrons_daily_newsletter


  • edited December 2018
    For me to read I had to Goggle the article as the link provided is for readers with a Barrons' subscription.

    The two people that I value their comments the most are Liz Ann Sonders and Jeffrey Saut. Ms. Sonders for her long term perspectives and Mr.Suat for the shorter term positioning.

    For me, I'm currently taking most all my mutual fund distributions in cash so, for me, cash continues to build plus I have been buying in some of my fixed income funds as well as we move towards 2019. Currently, my money market mutual funds have a higher yield than the a S&P 500 Index fund that I follow. Within equities I've reduced the amounts held in some of my growth mutual funds and moved some of this money into higher dividend paying value funds through some nav exchanges while some went into fixed income funds.

    I've shortened my timeline to get to my new asset allocation of 20% cash, 40% fixed, and 40% equity to the end of this year. In doing this I'll have reduced my equity allocation by 10% and raised both cash and fixed income allocations by about 5% each. This reallocation is being done due to the current investing climate, my age, and my desire to reduce risk within my portfolio while staying invested along with maintaining a reasonable income stream.
  • @ Old_Skeet: Thanks for stepping up to the plate. I always like to hear what others are thinking & doing. I baled just before 3/rd qter 2017 with 1/3 of portfolio . I was 3-4 months early, but now it appears things worked out okay. If market continues to sink I'll be looking for a few (good) buying opportunities, or add to what I own.
    I'm glad to report SVAAX dropped only .1% yesterday.

  • edited December 2018
    @Derf ... Take a look at INUTX it is a domestic all equity fund much like SVAAX also with a dividend strategy. I do not put more than 5% of my portfolio in any one mutual fund. I am at this 5% cap in SVAAX so I'll soon be opening a position in INUTX with it becoming the fourth member of my domestic equity sleeve that has a dividend focus. The other members of this sleeve are ANCFX and FDSAX.
  • edited December 2018
    Hi sir old skeet may i ask how old are you... Thx

    Still ~80 20 in tsp... Probably add more Qqqq or ivv in private portfolios... Bought more ivv few days ago
  • edited December 2018
    @johnN: My age is north of 70.
  • Up to this week or so Liz Ann Sonders has been neutral in her monthly Schwab reports. To me this article, however, is a bit late by at least 6 months. The market reached the height at the end of January 2018 and it has been down ever since as the trade war slowly unfolds...

    Unlike johnN, I have little confidence on any "biggie deals" about to happen in 2019.
  • edited December 2018
    I don't have any crystal balls but still can survive a few more recessions... Plus may give my $$to loves one once passing from this great earth.... So keep at 80 20 for a long time... Plus wifey told me I don't know what I am doing 90%of all time lol
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