FYI: Ben & Michael discuss:
.Boom and bust nature of commodities
.What is the role of commodities in a portfolio — manage risk or price appreciation?
.Why would commodities add a risk management component to a typical portfolio?
.Do commodities need inflation to do well or is it about supply and demand?
.Should commodities be used for buy & hold or a tactical position?
.Is technology a headwind for commodities?
.Why is it so hard to match the return on actual commodities?
.The difference between commodity prices and commodity futures.
.What is the S&P 500 index of the commodity world?
.Are commodities a neglected part of the portfolio?
.Why should gold have a positive expected return?
.Is Bitcoin the new gold?
.Is Bitcoin a commodity?
.What is the expected return assumption for gold?
.Why are there no oil bugs?