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GMO 7-Year Real Return Asset Class Forecast (Oct2018)

edited November 2018 in Fund Discussions
This forecast may be of interest. Its my recollection it is the first time in a few years any of the asset classes in one of their 7-year forecasts has exceeded the 6.5% Long‐term Historical U.S. Equity Return base line used for comparative purposes. And, the October 2018 timing means the forecast precedes the November market declines.


US Large -3.9%
US Small -0.4%
Intl Large 0.8%
Intl Small 1.2%
Emerging 4.7%
Emerging Value 7.7%


US Bonds 0.1%
Intl Bonds Hedged -1.9%
Emerging Debt 2.8%
US Inflation Linked Bonds 0.1%
US Cash 1.0%

Here is a link to their pretty chart. It may be necessary to register to see it.


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