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Income-Investing Tactics For A Tougher Time

FYI: Life is getting better, and tougher, for income investors. Bond yields have climbed this year, lifted by the Federal Reserve’s tightening regimen. The 10-year Treasury was recently yielding 3.12%, up from around 2.4% a year ago.
Related Data

Rising rates, however, have pressured bond prices. Many bond categories are underwater in 2018, as the accompanying table illustrates. Stocks, another income vehicle, have returned a lackluster 2.7%.

But there’s no need to sit back and suffer. Plenty of ideas and strategies for achieving respectable returns were bandied about at a conference this week focused on dividend and fixed-income investing.
Ted Feed for Barrons Magazine


  • This is a pretty good read for those looking for income. The way I read the article was to cut and past the title into Google search ... loan ... and, then read.
  • TedTed
    edited November 2018
    Old-Skeet: There are a couple of options. In Firefox open new private window, the type in article title in address box. With Chrome open new incognito window, and type in article title in address box.
  • With Firefox, it's not really necessary to type in anything. Simply "select" Ted's link (select: use the cursor to highlight the entire link address) and then choose "Open Link in new private window".
  • edited November 2018
    Just clean your cache, and I had no trouble. Standard tool like CCleaner will do the job. A decently interesting read. I find myself these days interested in such things! Already own enough junk bonds. (TUHYX.) PTIAX is still performing well for me, but with rising rates, it's not giving .13 cents/share every month anymore. These days, more like .07. My other is PRSNX which is sturdy and dependable, but only .03 cents and a fraction each month. I'm at 42% bonds now. That includes PRWCX.
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