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Barry Ritholtz's Masters In Business: Guest Ray Dailo, Founder, Bridgewater Associates: Podcast

Regards,Bloomberg Opinion columnist Barry Ritholtz interviews Ray Dalio, who is founder, co-chairman and co-chief investment officer of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates. Dalio has been a global macro investor for more than 45 years, having started Bridgewater out of a two-bedroom apartment in New York City in 1975. He is known for the practical yet unconventional theory of economics he spells out in his video series "How the Economic Machine Works," and is the author of the New York Times bestseller "Principles: Life and Work." His newest book, "Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises," was published this month.


  • Hi @Ted
    Thank you, and I'm did see your original post.
    I'm not a Podcast subscriber.
    This is what I'm referring to:

    --- On Monday, November 19, Bloomberg Opinion's Barry Ritholtz will be joined by Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates for a special live broadcast of Barry’s Masters in Business podcast. The event will be airing live on Bloomberg Television and Bloomberg Radio. You can also watch the livestream on Twitter and Facebook at 10:30 am Eastern.
  • @catch22: Barry Ritholtz's Masters In Business podcasts are free !
  • Hi @Ted
    I understand. I'm not able to attend to all of the info already on my plate.
    Again, I/we do appreciate your link.
  • Thanks@Ted. Same interviewer and interviewee. Different interview, however, from today’s “live” telecast which Catch and I both viewed. I haven’t listened to the entire podcast you linked. But from from the opening remarks, I’m assuming they plow the same ground that the Bloomberg-live telecast did today.
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