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Funds That Do Gender-Based Analysis Are Surging in Popularity: (SHE) - (RLDR)

FYI: Assets in so-called gender lens funds grew sharply this year, according to a study by the wealth management firm Veris Wealth Partners. Gender-lens investing integrates gender-based factors, either to improve returns or to promote more gender equality.

In the 12 months ended in June, assets under management in gender lens products that invest in publicly traded securities increased 85% to $2.4 billion from a year earlier, according to Veris. Gender lens assets have grown rapidly, but “this is the most growth we’ve seen in 20 years,” Patricia Farrar-Rivas, CEO of Veris Wealth Partners, said in an interview.


  • MJG
    edited October 2018
    Hi Guys,

    A number of serious studies demonstrate that female investors outperform male investors. Here is a Link to a short summary of those studies:

    And, if you want the details from a Fidelity study:

    That finding doesn't surprise me. The most often reason given for that statistical outperformance is not smarts of any kind. The conclusion is simple: "Women tend to generate better returns because they don't trade as often and tend to hang in there."

    Patience and persistence wins yet again.

    Best Wishes
  • I firmly believe the smartest women are smarter than the smartest men.
  • When I graduated I landed a prestigious job that impressed everyone. My graduate advisor came in one day when no one else was around and said something to the effect that he admitted I was one of the smartest women he had met but, face it, the brightest woman is just average when laid on the bell curve for men. That was OK, I did fine, rather well, in life with my mediocre male intelligence.
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