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Sick Of REITs? Check Out The Yield On Justin Bieber

FYI: It's been often said that music never dies. Now investors are taking notice of one other fact: Music revenues also last a darn long time.

Although still a niche market, investments in music royalties are growing, helped along by online marketplace Royalty Exchange of Denver. The company, which acts as the middleman for buyers and sellers of royalties, has raised close to $50 million in investment capital through mostly music royalties since 2016, including a $3.4 million sale of private syndicate shares last month that gave investors royalty rights to the catalog of British rock group Dire Straits.

Royalty Exchange Website:


  • When I think of big names in the music business the 'beebs' is no where to be seen but I can see the attractiveness of the royalties. Isn't that what keeps Elvis near the top of annual earners in his field?
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