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Are Dividend Stocks Helping In Stock Market Correction? : (GULF)

FYI: The top-performing ETFs that invest in dividend stocks this year have had a rough month amid the stock market correction, with several of them falling as much or more than the S&P 500.

High-quality dividend stocks, those with strong earnings and solid balance sheets, often fall less than highflying growth stocks in stock market corrections.

The top-performing dividend ETF this year, WisdomTree Middle East Dividend (GULF), fell a relatively modest 0.45% in the one-month period ended Oct. 17. That compares with a 4.97% drop by Victory Shares Dividend Accelerator (VSDA) and a 2.64% decline by the S&P 500, according to Morningstar Direct.
Dividend Stocks In Correction

M* Snapshot GULF:


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